Our first ever online carol service will be streamed on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, and here on our website at 7.30pm on Christmas Eve. We hope you can join us! Normally in the lead up to Christmas we organise a number of Christmas Carol Services, usually including one in the Bridge of Earn Institute, one in Perth Gospel Hall, and one on Christmas Eve in the White Church in Comrie. As none of these will be possible this year we will be streaming our first ever virtual Christmas Carol Service at 7.30pm on Christmas Eve. The Christmas Eve Carol Service will last approximately half an hour, and will be presented by Jack Hay, who will also share a short Christmas message. Gordon McCracken will give a brief message for any children watching, and we'll have a few well known Christmas carols sung by the Perth Gospel Hall virtual choir. You can enjoy it all from the comfort of your own home! We hope that you can join us! Please feel free to invite others to join too! 7.30pm, on Thursday the 24th of December. The service will be streamed on Facebook: www.facebook.com/perthgospelhall www.facebook.com/goodnewsperthshire It will also be available on our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/c/perthgospelhall You'll also be able to find it on our websites: www.perthgospelhall.com www.goodnewsperthshire.com
December 2024
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