“Greater love has no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
In almost every town and village in Perthshire lies a monument commemorating men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield. Virtually no Perthshire community has escaped unscathed from the devastating effects of war during the last century. On the 11th of November each year we remember those who lost their lives to secure freedom and a future for others. As the famous words of Robert Laurence Binyon’s poem say “We will remember them…” Many of Perthshire’s war memorials contain Bible verses highlighting the value of personal sacrifice for the good of others. The most common is probably John 15:13 which records the words of Jesus Christ, “Greater love has no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The reason these words are often chosen is because they are particularly poignant as shortly after saying them Jesus Himself would exemplify that kind of love when He gave His life upon the cross as a sacrifice for sins to provide freedom and a future in Heaven for those who trust in Him.
December 2024
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